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About Me

Freelance writer, journalist, blogger and all round video game enthusiast.

Gaming and Writing are two of my biggest passions

A picture of me at the N Seoul Tower in South Korea.

Experince in creating content for Print, Online and Broadcast media.


Video Games are my biggest passion. Throughout my life, I have played video games, attended video game conventions and been enthralled by the culture and the industry.


Writing and investigating stories are my other great passions in life and I want to be able to combine these passions to be a professional video game journalist. My beliefs in journalism are to be passionate, hard-working and always interested in learning more about video game culture and communites.


Currently I am studying a Bachelor of Media, majoring in Journalism, and hav been over the past two and half years. Throughout this time I've had the opportunity learn from industry professionals, study media and game theory and work at a community radio station as part of my studies.

During this time I've also volunteered for Only Single Player, a video game news website as a news and opinion piece writer, I've been an sub-editor and columnist for the student magazine On Dit, created and hosted a video game and chiptune radio show at the community radio station Radio Adelaide, interned with Double Jump Communications and Surprise Attack Games, along with creating freelance articles for various outlets.

Writing is one of my biggest hobbies, and one I hope to turn into a career.

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